Before The Break: How Coaches Can Improve The Quality of Their Message.

"Writing makes you see how unsure you are about things you thought you were 100% sure about." David Perell

As coaches we must ask ourselves what are we looking to provide in the end of session talk? Coaches want a clear and concise message that gets the point across. That 5 minute moment comes out to be roughly 4-8% of the entire time that you get to spend with your student-athletes (or .3% of their entire day).

It is a critical moment where coaches can build off the good, highlight the areas to improve, collectively educate, and give student-athletes a lesson to take with them.

  • What is essential? How much do they truly remember? 1-3 concepts?

  • How can the message and their last interaction with you be a constructive forward step towards them being their best?

Write. Prioritize the essential. Have a plan. Make it stick.

Writing is forcing function to gain more clarity of your thoughts, what you are trying to say, and why. Need to gain clarity? Write. Thinking more clearly compounds with writing more clearly to build a greater understanding. The preparation gives you access to those mic drop moments.

Starting a writing practice can lead to less emotional winging it and rambling because you got fired up as both ultimately water down your message. Dedicate a moment to have impact that is long lasting by being more punchy, concise, sticky, and impactful.

You may realize the person that it impacts the most is you.


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