Ferate 5: 15 Principles From David Senra That Will Change Your Life In 5 minutes or Less. (013)

“I read books, talk out my phone, & suddenly in Charlie Munger’s living room.” - David Senra

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David Senra will change your life in 5 minutes or less.

What’s up everyone welcome back to this week’s Ferate 5. Lessons, aphorisms, and maxims from David Senra are on the menu today. In 5 minutes or less, I am going to share the lessons that I can’t stop thinking about. Not going to lie, today might be cutting it close to that 5-minute mark, maybe 4 minutes & about 43 seconds, but you can do it. I believe in you.

David Senra is the host of Founders Podcast and most recently sat down with Danny Miranda as a guest. Founders is one of my favorite podcasts that delivers value and unpacks lessons from history’s greatest entrepreneurs. Each episode’s lessons being inter-connected is what does it for me. I love the moments when he connects MJ to Tiger, Steve Jobs to Edwin Land, Kobe to founders of businesses, and the commonalities between all the most successful entrepreneurs.

David Senra & Charlie Munger. (SO SICK!)

1. “I like the climb, I don’t care what the summit is.” - Russ

Chase after what you enjoy relentlessly and then figure out the business side of things. It is all about liking your day-to-day.

Doesn’t mean it is easy but liking the climb is about remembering the win is in the work.

2. Learn while your eyes are busy.

“The greats don’t sit around watching fucking YouTube videos. They want to learn while their eyes are busy.”

David Senra

That is a superpower of podcasting. You can continuously learn and turn knowledge into profit through on-demand audio. You can learn while you drive, walk, workout, etc.

I appreciate David clarifying that YouTube has its purpose. The host of the podcast must define their why. An example of video being important was comedians needing to sell tickets by the audience recognizing them.

3. Finding your favorite podcast.

Finding your favorite podcast and why it’s your favorite is like asking why is someone your best friend. Hard to explain, but you just know.

The podcast creates a para-social relationship, you feel like you know them because of how they make you feel and give you energy.

4. Your podcast is your personal curriculum.

Fly your freak flag. Externalize to the world what you are interested in, curious about, and want to learn. Following natural intellectual interest.

David used the example of Joe Rogan, learning from over 2000 episodes of personally curated guests. Consistently having hour-long conversations with the smartest people in the world for years & years.

5. Belief comes before ability.

If you have belief and you don’t do the work to turn it into talent, then you won’t have the ability and you're just fucking delusional.

David Senra

The greats have a genuine belief that it is possible. There was just a weird reason they thought they were special. Not delusion but simply an inner belief that pushed them to do the work.

David shared the story of Tiger Woods believing he would win going into his first tournament. Founder of Sony, Steve Jobs, Edwin Land, and Estee Lauder all had. Following what they were genuinely interested in and believing they could do it.

6. Go for freedom. Sam Zell

Go For Freedom. Freedom allows you to control what you work on. If you control what you work on then you can work on what you love. If you love it you will do it for a long time. If you do it for a long time you will get really good at it. Money will come as a result.

Sam Zell

7. Learning is not memorizing information, learning is changing your behavior.

A goal of mine in writing this newsletter, for 2023, and the rest of my life. Not just memorize but write in public to change my behavior for the better. Share what I believe is valuable, what sets my heart on fire, and what feeds my curiosity.

8. Creating a personal monopoly.

“Podcasts are very unique if done correctly, can give you a personal monopoly. No one can be Danny Miranda better than Danny Miranda being Danny Miranda.”

David Senra

Creating a personal monopoly that can build relationships at scale. Podcasts are one the greatest business in the world - infinite scalable - same work for 1 listen to 1 million listens.

9. Relationships.

Seeking other people out. When you are at the base the peak seems so far away. When you get to the peak of a mountain, you see other peaks and they are all interconnected by pathways.

Everything in life is relationships. You can’t fuck yourself by having short-term thinking or trying to fuck someone. You will be doing business with them in 2 decades.

David Senra

10. No one cares about you.

Everyone is looking at their phone or worried about themselves. It is freeing. David said if he says something stupid listeners aren’t thinking about him they are thinking “What am I going to have for lunch, shoot I got to pick up my girlfriend from the airport.”

His advice when considering what other people will think… “No one will think about you, so go fucking chase what you want to do.”

11. Podcasts are unique experience generators.

Creating podcast affinity where the listeners develop a relationship because of shared values, the process of creating 1000 true fans.

Para-social relationship. The host has never met most listeners but your listeners feel like they have this core relationship with you. Spending hours 1 on 1 in their headphones with the host.

“I read books, talk out my phone, and suddenly in Charlie Munger’s living room.” - David Senra 

The lesson from Ed Thorpe is taking it 24 hrs at a time. Can I make a day that I enjoy? Pursue work that I find fun, intellectually stimulating, and make me extremely wealthy. That starts to open doors of opportunity for experiences that you didn’t even know were there.

12. Prestige is fake.

Don’t trade freedom for money or prestige. Prestige is fake, opinion/perception from the external world, the external world is not thinking about you.

Oscar’s example: “You win an award, wow cool! Then it’s oh what am I going to have for dinner tonight?”

13. No market for energy.

David explained he is making educational content for the richest people in the world. What do rich people do? They buy nicer versions of the same shit.

Sam Zell has a compound in Malibu, could swim butt naked in the pacific ocean, and owns a private jet. Sam Zell’s thought was wow conversation with Senra is interesting and an experience. THAT ISN’T FOR SALE.

Having a meaningful conversation with an interesting guy who gives you energy has no price. (NO MARKET). We confuse that with not being valuable. Richer people focus on experiences.

Ben Franklin said all that matters is how you spend your time. Do you enjoy it?

14. Focus is a superpower.

Whatever the opposite of a superpower is, that is a distraction.

15. Aphorisms & Maxims

You forget the book but you remember the quotes.

  • “Excellence is the capacity to take pain.” - Isadore Sharp"

  • “Money comes naturally as a result of service.” - Henry Ford

  • “By endurance, we conquer.” - Earnest Shackleton

  • “Maintain situational awareness.”

  • “Mind your own business.”

  • “Don’t do anything someone else can do” - Edwin Land

Which lesson did you connect with the most? Reply via email of which one you implementing into your life to change your behavior not just memorize. I summarized the main points of the pod. But if you’re interested in checking out the whole episode it is below.

Best day of the year until tomorrow…



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