Ferate's 5: Build The 2024 That You Want. (029)

What would this look like if it was fun?

Let’s Go!!! Pumped You’re Here!

First off, my last name is Ferate like karate with an F or kinda like, Ferrari.

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What’s up everyone its that time of year, in the thick of the final few days of 2023. Whew, we made it, almost…

Why almost? What’s left? You still have one of the most important things of 2023 left to do.

Build and design your 2024 to make it the best year of your life (so far).

The goal is to beat every previous year of your life, all the way back to the day you were born. For me, I need to compete with all those years going back to 1991. You might think I have some good competition trying to beat the Seahawks Super Bowl or 2022 Mariners Cal Raleigh walk-off to right field. There is a key lesson here. The lesson is those are not in my control. When building your 2024 you must only focus on what’s within your control.

Your planning. Your decisions. Your actions. Your habits.

Building the best year and building out 2024 to have a MASSIVE impact on your life resume isn’t just about writing things out on a Big Ass Calendar. The first step is writing it all out to make your 2024 look like an award-winning script. The second step is being as specific as possible because being vague is one of the most disrespectful things you can do to yourself. The third step is following it up with action.

You wrote the script for an incredible year now you just need to remember that the only thing that is doing the thing is doing the thing.

Below are insights and examples into my process of working through Jesse Itzler’s Big Ass Calendar with Mike Rich (Ghost Business). Plus I added a few concepts at the end of the framework.

  1. Misogi: One year-defining moment that can be felt the other 364 days. Extremely out of your comfort zone, potentially so difficult that you might not complete it. Looking back on your life resume you will know what you did when you were 33 years old.

  2. Kevin’s Rule: Do something new, something you wouldn’t normally do, a new experience every 6-8 weeks. That is 6 per year.

Misogi + Kevin’s Rule = 7 Memorable moments already for 2024.

  1. One New Habit Per Quarter: Instead of setting a goal of what you want to do, commit to what you are going to do. The new habit isn’t about the outcome of improving sales by x% or your net worth by $x. The habit is more about who you want to become. My habit for Q1 is an evening routine to plan out my next day.

Four new habits by the end of the year, that have been building off each other.

  1. Commitments (Consistent): Jesse Itzler’s example was every Wednesday is date night with his wife and he planned out a 1 on 1 vacation with each of his four kids throughout the year. For me it is the Sauna Squad, every Wednesday night I connect with my buddies to sauna/cold tub/catch up.

  2. Energy Givers (Awareness): Identify what fills your cup and gives you energy. How can you do more of these things in your life? Where do they fit into your ideal week and on your calendar?

I added these to my 2024 plan.

  1. Big Rocks: What’s on the monthly radar? An example of this is Hell On The Hill is usually in May but I don’t have a specific date, DiscoveryXP with Dr. Michael Brown is in May but not 100% sure if I am going, and my birthday is in July but have not planned what I want to do for it. Start with writing out each month and filling in big rocks experiences.

  2. Wants (Aspirations but not committed to, yet): Ali Abdaal calls this the Energy Investment Portfolio and I looked at it as a long list of everything I would want to do this year. The goal is to write down everything you can think of and then start to filter out what is possible this year. Examples include visiting my buddy in Montana, tattoo appointments, meeting Jesse Itzler, and checking out the Comedy Mothership in Austin, Texas.

  3. Specifics (Outcome + Habit)

    1. Newsletter: 2000 subscribers by December, 500 by the end of April, and 400 by the end of February. Write & share consistently.

    2. Podcast: 100 episodes by July 18th. Schedule & record consistently.

  4. Questions:

    1. What would make this year a failure? (INVERSION)

    2. CHECK-IN DATE: When? Are you on track? Am I becoming more of the person I want to become? Are my actions in the here and now consistent with where I want to be?

  5. Ali Abdaal Additions.

    1. Write out your ideal week. (ACTUAL IDEAL WEEK) How close is what you want to what you are doing?

    2. What do I want to be celebrating by December 2024? Imagine being around the Thanksgiving table or hanging with some family on Christmas Eve, what would you want to be sharing?

It all comes back to action, from reading this article to doing your misogi, down to writing it in on your calendar. You can experience all this great planning and forecasting but it comes back to consistently doing the thing.

The only thing that is doing the thing is doing the thing.

It is not enough to just write it down for one weekend or one month. That’s the easy part. The challenge is being consistent with your daily deposits, your commitments, and having CLEAR HONEST CHECK-INS with yourself. Ask yourself, is this what you want to be doing? Are you on the correct trajectory for your life? What are you optimizing for?

  1. Misogi

  2. Kevin’s Rule

  3. Habit Per Quarter

  4. Commitments

  5. Energy Givers

  6. Monthly Big Rocks

  7. Wants

  8. Specifics

  9. Questions

  10. Ali Abdaal Additions

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank you so much for checking out my newsletter and all of my work over the past year! From the newsletter, to the podcast, to even people reaching out to connect over email/phone. I appreciate you all so much. Crush it in 2024. I would love to hear if you loved this newsletter and how you are specifically planning your 2024.

If interested here is the framework I used to audit my 2023.

Keep stacking those daily deposits and making every day the best day of the year, until tomorrow…



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