Ferate's 5: The Win Is In The Work, The Good Ole Days, & Happiness. (006)

“What am I going to do when I reach X point? Stop? No!”

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What’s up everyone! I’m back from a sweet road trip with Mike Rich, writer of Ghost Businesses. We recently attended the DiscoveryXP Men’s retreat hosted by Dr. Michael Brown in Lake Tahoe. Then had a quick turnaround from a friend’s wedding and now the newsletter writing reps are hitting your inbox.

The common thread that we are diving into this week is The win is in the work. Inspired by a podcast featuring Billy Oppenheimer and Danny Miranda, we'll explore the idea of finding fulfillment in the process rather than solely focusing on the outcomes. I can't help but mention these two dudes again. They're absolutely killing it right now and embodying this week’s throughline.

The win in the work challenges us to reflect on our perspective. Making you ask “Why am I actually doing what I am doing?” For me a few that pop up are creating, writing, podcasting, coaching, and being a great friend. It’s about defining where is the win and realizing the good ole days are right now.

Billy Oppenheimer, Danny Miranda, & Hasan Minhaj.

Billy shared this lesson during his interview that the real joy and love come from reading, the note card system, and sharing weekly newsletters. Those weekly and daily actions are the win compared to waiting until the “big” moment. What are we going to do stop once we make it to 100k listeners of the podcast or 50k subscriptions for the newsletter? No. Danny Miranda said, “Everything else falls into place when you focus on the main thing.”

In this podcast, they shared a story about the comedian Hasan Minhaj, before he was famous someone asked him if he thought he would make it big as a comedian. He said he fundamentally didn’t like that question because it implied that everything Hasan has done is predicated on becoming famous. That can’t be the sole driving purpose.

Getting on stage at a crappy bar to do comedy is the work and the win.

Ryan Holiday Getting The Call About Having A New York Times Best Seller.

When I heard them ask the question “what am I going to do when I reach X point, stop? No.” The first person I think of is Ryan Holiday. His life is the definition of this.

There is a video that went around Instagram where his agent calls him to tell him that his most recent book was a New York Times Best Seller. Honestly, I can’t remember if it was #1 or in the top 5 but that isn’t what is important here. What is important was Ryan was at his desk, answered the call, said “cool, gotta get back to work”, and was already in the process of writing his next book. The win is building the next book, research, writing, and having a bias toward action. Not the accolades.

Michael Jordan - David Senra Guest On The Invest Like The Best Podcast. 42-Minute Time Stamp

David Senra shares a gem of a lesson from the GOAT himself, MJ. From his 600-page biography David shares the lesson of how much MJ loved practice and a story from the Barcelona Dream Team. MJ almost didn’t go due to how much he had been playing but decided to go because he wanted to see the elite of the elite, the cream of the crop, and how they prepared. The top 15 NBA players in the WORLD are all in the same place, can’t pass that up. David Senra explained MJ was looking for their practice habits and what they did differently than him.

MJ’s like, I don't want to spend my summer for the Olympics. But I'm going to go. I want to see their practice habits. We're all the best of the best, what am I doing that's different?”

"He watched the way they practiced. The main theme of Jordan's book is 'I believe in practice. I would rather miss a game than miss practice.' That's insane. He goes, "I watched their practice habits. They're deceiving themselves about what the game requires.”

David Senra Summarizing Notes From MJ’s Biography.

Same lesson from the Founders episode on Tiger Woods. People asked Tiger why he didn’t play the golf course more. He replied “I like practicing better.” David explained from young age aside from loving golf his dad cultivated a love for practice in Tiger.

Even in the Founders episode of Bill Walsh, The Score Takes Care of Itself is the same idea. Do the right things, at a high standard and the outcome will play out the way it should. Doing the things that are within our control produces incredible outcomes. (That we aren’t focused on).

Bill Walsh said “Winners act like winners before they win.” Same with Billy, Ryan, Hasan, MJ, Tiger, and David Senra. Loving the work and taking action like they made it already.

Making it is doing the work.

Happiness - Dr. Michael Brown

I recently attended Discovery XP 2023 Men’s Retreat with Dr. Michael Brown. He is an incredible human! Hard to describe this amazing man! Grateful for the experience so will have to write up an additional newsletter soon on what I took away from that weekend. (Also a short mid-weekend recap should be episode 31 of the podcast).

DMB shared a lesson on happiness that is so true and aligns with all the work we love to do. Happiness is an outcome. We all at some point have had someone say “I just want you to be happy”. This was a great moment of growth for me because I have said and experienced this.

Happiness is an outcome. It is a destination. Just like saying I want you to be a famous comedian, I just want you to have 100,000 newsletter subscriptions, I just want you to win the championship, etc. Saying it doesn’t change anything.

The focus is on the work and the wins are embedded in those actions. You become happy through the collection of actions, experiences, and growth.

Mood follows action and the win is in the work.

Student-Athletes Senior Day & Graduation.

The end of the school year is bittersweet because seniors graduate and you realize we will never have this exact collection of individuals to make a team again.

I remind myself of this lesson often to force myself to be present. The win is the deep meaningful relationships. That is daily freaking work. It isn’t the big moment of senior day when you get flowers, walk with your parents, graduation when you get your degree, or if you are fortunate enough to win the WCC championship (Women’s Basketball did.)

Don’t wait for the big moments, every day is senior day. Treating every day like it is a celebration to see, connect, coach, and help develop them. I say thank you for letting me coach you and am more grateful for each daily opportunity.

It is because every day I see them is 99% of their college experience compared to the 1 day they have a senior day, the 1 day they graduate, and maybe the few days around a championship run.

Daily interactions are the massive majority.

All the jokes, bus rides, emergency plane landings, cards in the airport, practices, short ones, tough ones, and all the little things are what make up our life experiences. If you can be excited to practice, excited to SHOW UP, that’s where the wins are. Instead of only giving yourself a few opportunities each season to be “happy” and feel a “win”

So where is your “win” and what is your “work”?

I am so curious how you resonate with reading this one! Seriously email me with what you loved about this week’s newsletter, where you connect with this, and what your win+work is! "Even something simple like this!

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Type something like this → Bryant Ferate - collecting interesting ideas to write newsletters

Or this → Bryant Ferate - publishing podcast conversations

That Hasan Minaj story really hit me and got my wheels turning to write this week’s newsletter. Thank you for taking the time to check out this week’s Ferate 5. Let me know what you loved, or disliked, if you shared this with someone else, and subscribe if you aren’t already so you don’t miss out. It is going to be a big summer full of wins (work).

Best Day of the Year Until Tomorrow.



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