Ferate's 5: Write of Passage & Being First.

Be first, because – not all times, but most times – it comes in your favor.” Gabby Reece

Note: I started David Perell’s Write of Passage this past week. Will keep you updated on this experience! This was my answer to our first prompt, “What is a rule that you live by, and why?”

One life rule that I consistently work to practice and revisit often is “Being First”. Back in 2017 my friend and I came across this idea when reading Tim Ferriss’ book, Tools of Titans.

Gabby Reece explained this concept to “Be First”. To say hello, smile, engage with others, text to catch up with an old friend, speak up, plan an experience with your friends, ask great questions, etc. Most of the time going first plays in your favor because you’re creating opportunities. Instead of waiting for life to happen to you, you go on the offensive by being the first to engage.

“[I wish] people would experiment with that in their life a little bit. Be first, because – not all times, but most times, it comes in your favor.” - Gabby Reece

My best friend and I even turned this into a competition to get more reps in. The competition was added to the awareness of being first to engage, first to ask a question, or even when people first(ed) us. Reflecting at the end of the day, when was I first today?

Be First. Not to say you won, but to open doors of opportunity for conversation, engagement, and experience. It isn’t about winning, it’s about engaging with life and being intentional. What do you have to lose?

So what is one rule you live by, and why?

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