How These Four Questions From Yogi Roth Help Me Be Where My Feet Are.

Yogi Roth's influence has been with me everyday for over four years, challenging me through questions and principles to be more present. These four questions have been on my lock screen of my phone to be a consistent daily reminder to pause.

JOY Am I having the most fun in the history of ever?

INTENTION What can I bring to this next moment?

FOCUS Where am I placing the energy of my mind?

BREATH Getting back to Right Here, Right Now

Through answering these questions it forces you snap into the present moment. Worrying less about the past or the future and even potentially stopping you from diving into your phone. It is important to not only ask good questions that make you pause but to reflect and actually answer the questions with your actions. These questions challenge you stop, be in the present moment, and as Yogi Roth has said before "Be Where Your Feet Are."

Your choices and actions in the present moment are the living answers to your questions. They write your story.


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