Framework To Assess Job Opportunities & Make Better Decisions.

How To Answer What Is Next & What Is Now?

What is next? What is now?

Assessing your career and next steps is a difficult process often not taught when going through college or early in your career. “Get a job” is most often the primary motivator when in college. The mindset changes from “get a job” to “climb the ladder” the first few years after getting out of school. I recently heard this reminder, “When climbing the ladder make sure it is leaning on the right wall.” (Brene Brown). Often the advice is to write out a pros and cons list and then decide. Seems simple until the two choices are both great opportunities. Overlooked is doing the self-work to be more aware and understand your soul. Having a greater understanding of yourself can then help you make better decisions for what is now and what you may want to do next.

Person One: Hey I got offered this job.

Person Two: Do you want it?

Person One: Hmmm I’m interested... uhh I am not sure.

Person Two: They offered you the job? I would take it if I were you…

End of conversation.

Conversations like this one are why I have started to be more aware of asking for guidance and not only advice. Only getting advice can be a slippery slope because there is no skin in the game for the giver. “I would take that job” as advice makes me ask the question then why don’t you? Guidance is support and going on the journey similar to mentorship, not just telling you what to do. I was not aware of this difference between advice and guidance during the earlier years of my career.

What are the tools and the framework we can use to ultimately understand who we are and what we want, while also being in the best position to make a decision?

STEP 1: Identity

  1. Who do you want to be?

  2. Who are you becoming?

  3. What do you want to want? (Kyle Eschenroeder)

Explore the questions by reviewing your current choices, actions, and behaviors. Are they putting you on a path toward who you want to become? Would these new opportunities, environment, and community put you in a better position? Changing you for the better?

STEP 2: Alignment

Does your current role or future opportunity align with your identity from above and the list below? Opportunities may not fulfill all but can it get you closer to full alignment.

  • Core Values: What do you value? How does the organization/role align with your values? Do you align with their values?

  • Time: Current relationship with time. Are you time rich or time poor? Time rich and time-poor are referring to you being in control of your time. Time rich as in able to have free time to do or explore what you want. Are you a time billionaire? A time billionaire is someone who has 31 years. Never guaranteed but has a minimum of 31 years left.

  • Income: Current financials and how you choose to define wealth. A quote from Naval has impacted me a lot over the years “Seek Wealth, Not Money or Status.”

  • Mobility: Freedom to create, explore, and choose.

  • Location: Could I see myself living there?

STEP 3: 4 P’s (Courtesy of Keir Wenham-Flatt)

  • Pay: Compensation financially, time demands, freedom, etc.

  • Purpose: Fulfillment in life and your journey.

  • Personal (Life): Relationships with others and yourself. Experience life, be more than the title and role.

  • Professional Progression: Career development, does the role progress you towards accomplishing professional aspirations?

Keir makes it simple. If you have all four protect it with your life, if you have three you only leave for a four, if you have two you are actively looking for a three, and if you have one/zero that’s on you. Why are you putting yourself in that position?

These are frameworks that I have built out from experience and the guidance of many mentors. This has been something that I have struggled with in the past. I hope this framework is beneficial to others working through the process. It is much easier when to leave a bad situation for a good one. The real challenge is when you are in a great position and are also assessing future opportunities.

Best Day of the Year Until Tomorrow…



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