Getting Curious & Discovering My Niche.

Consistently Cultivate Curiosity In Others By Exploring & Sharing My Curiosity.

Something I have struggled with recently is developing a niche and singular emphasis for what I create.

I see a lot on Twitter & Instagram about the importance of doubling down on one topic because then the audience knows what they are going to get in return for their time and attention.

Dickie Bush & Nicholas Cole shared something in Ship 30 for 30 that struck me about writing specifically for someone or a specific topic. If your writing is so broad that it can resonate with anyone then it can also resonate deeply with no one. This applies to any content creation not just writing. Specificity is important, I understand that. What I feel right now is that I am in a season of exploration and getting high-volume repetitions. A training block focusing on a bias toward action and niche development is a byproduct.

Bias Towards Action

  1. Weekly newsletter on Substack.

  2. Tweets from parts of the newsletter

  3. Weekly podcast episode

  4. Reels & YouTube Shorts from podcast episodes

  5. Reflect Often & Take Consistent Action

I think of two specific insights that come from creating and iterating. First, is gaining more clarity on the obsession which this week I have made big steps forward. The obsession is to “consistently cultivate curiosity in others by exploring and sharing my curiosity”. Second, my niche for content is to ask great questions because “The richness of our life is determined by the questions we choose to ask” has been a quote on experiencing life to the fullest from Danny Miranda, that I think about daily.

Ryan Holiday recently said at the start of the pomp podcast. The path of reinventing himself isn’t clear until you use hindsight and look back. He viewed the process as if he is killing off versions of himself over the years by taking action (iterating).

Chris Williamson had a similar response at the beginning of his interview with Pomp discussing having multiple lives. Outgrowing what you are doing is like a crab outgrowing its shell, things start to not feel right, then do something about it. Letting go of an identity that you used to be and “who could I be without this?”

Developing a niche takes time and I believe discovering mine will take repetition, action, and being relentlessly obsessed with curiosity. Be world-class by embracing curiosity in my writing, podcasting, asking great questions, learning, and most of all connecting with others through those mediums. Exploring my interests and connecting with others over those similar passions will challenge me to grow in ways I can’t even see yet.

Health, wellness, and performance.

Writing, podcasting, and communicating.

Deep meaningful connecting, storytelling, and life-changing questions.

Best Day of the Year… Until Tomorrow



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